
Business Growth Services

Website Development

Your website is an important digital address for your business. It is your identity and serve your customer with all the information at their convenience. Our team will work with you to bring in a World Class Website listing out all your products and services. Your website will become your primary sales store.

We will bring you the best hosting plan, registering your website name with a standard DNS provider, creating the required email for your business and setting up all the configuration.

Website Development

SEO & Blog

We will help you to update your content regularly using your business blogs. By this you can attract more customers as they will get regular update on your product / services. You can uplift your existing website for SEO (Search Engine Optimization) service to make your website listed at the top in the Google Search Result Ranking.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Search Engine Optimization or SEO is the activity to enhance your website’s visibility on Search Engines like Google. These activities involve making changes or fine-tuning multiple elements of a website to improve the chances of getting a higher ranking in the Search Engine Result Page (SERP). This is one of the powerful ways of increasing the traffic to your website in an organic way (without running paid ads).

Benefits of SEO

There are lot of benefits investing in SEO as in the process it touches upon the following areas such as relevance of the Content, identifying and implementing primary and secondary Keywords, Enhancing User Experience to attract more User visits and hence boosting the performance of all the website pages.

You need an expert’s help to implement all these strategies effectively to get higher Search Engine Rankings, more relevant visitors to your website, and an increased conversion rate. We at Vihaan Digital Solutions follow all the strategies and principles of SEO to secure all the benefits for our clients.

Website Development

Business Size for SEO

Who needs to do SEO for their website and what type of business needs a Search Engine optimized website is a common question for most business owners. Whether you are a small business owner or one who is handling a large-scale business, you need your website to undergo SEO. It is much more important to the businesses that have the potential leads generated through the internet and digital platforms such as e-commerce websites, local businesses, service providers, etc.

Google Analytics

Data is the new Fuel for the Digital World. We can now take complete advantage of Google Analytics to collect data from your own website from each and every page. These data are key for Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and improve marketing strategies. These data are key for Marketing agencies like Vihaan Digital Solutions to get the complete insights of user interactions, traffic funnel, and conversion rates.

Benefits of Google Analytics

On long-term and continuous tracking there are a lot of benefits you get from Google Analytics data. Some of the key benefits includes:

  • Better decisions and strategies based on real data
  • Deep insights into your user behavior, the most visited and gaps in the navigation flow
  • Identify the most visited pages and understand the conversion rates in a better way
  • Analyze the effectiveness of the marketing strategies through the performance of your marketing campaign
Website Development

Techniques of doing Google Analytics

There are lot of efforts required to bring in all the techniques for an effective Google Analytics implementation. This requires account setup, code implementation, setting up a proper view strategy to track the data, set a goal or benchmark to measure the performance, setup trackers for e-commerce sites, trackers for specific campaigns, and the most user behaviour event tracking. All the data need to be tracked and analyzed periodically for actions to improve the weak areas.

Google Search Console

Another powerful tool from Google is the Google Search Console. This is a great tool that brings more insight into your website’s presence on the Google Search Engine Result Page (SERP). This is a view from Google’s perspective on the performance of your website and it will highlight the issues that will impact the search performance.

The businesses, SEO experts and website owners rely on these important data from Google Search Console to improve their websites search rankings, performance optimization and measure the user experience. By addressing these issues there are higher chances that your website will get better visibility and accessibility in the web.

Website Development

Techniques and Long-terms benefits of Google Search Console

We will work on techniques like Ownership verification, Sitemap creation, Performance analysis, Usability Evaluation, URL standards to get the long term benefits such as improved search performance, improved usability of the entire site experience, identifying the best keywords that bring traffic to your website, collaboration with backlink contributors.

Content Writing

The most driving force of any digital material is its content. Content writing is powerful and offers information and gains engagement from the readers. Powerful content is the essential key to business promotions, clear communication, and it impacts decision-making. 

One of the biggest challenging fields is content writing. Your content needs to have originality and creativity, it needs integrity of the information and handshake with the market trends. In order to have Search Engine Optimization on your website the content needs to follow various principles otherwise it will loose its ranking.

Website Development

Impact of AI and Best Practices for Content Writing

The AI tools are getting more powerful in every field. One of the most impacted fields is content writing. But always remember that originality has value always. There are tools and algorithm that identifies the AI written content vs human written content. Also, Search Engine Algorithms are not supported in promoting AI-written content. Only a human can write content filled with emotions and creativity which is the superpower of the human brain.

We at Vihaan Digital Solutions follow the best practices such as

  • Understand the Business
  • Research on your business and your competitors
  • Structure the content which is passes SEO
  • At least 90% originality but leverage the technology to optimize the content
  • User-centric content
  • Multiple level of reviews

Photos & Videos Production

We work with you to show your business and brand in an impactful visual. Our visual media team from True Pixel Photos (Instagram @truepixelphotos) will work with you on stunning product photography for various platforms.

Personal Branding

It is now trending that people engage with business for an individual’s brand image and value. Our team of experts can work with you to illuminate the best of you that will become your branding on all the social media platforms.

Business Branding

We will make your brand to stand out. Team at True Pixel Photos (@truepixelphotos) will take the necessary actions to bring spotlight to your product / service.

Website Development

Photos & Videos Optimized for Social Media Platforms

We majorly consider the popular social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Google, and LinkedIn for your media optimization. We will identify the audience demography and suggest the production team to capture your Photos and Videos accordingly. We are sure this will inspire your customers and improve your brand image.

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